ALBUM AT LIMIT - NOT SURE IF WILL PUT ANYWHERE ELSE YET. Here is facebook page album. There are many more. They do not point to any certain message. Sometimes there’s a meaningful message. Sometimes they just appear where i look online. They do not point to any answers in response to a question about life. For example, I asked for a 222 if “yes.” I got one. Then for the same question I asked for a 222 if “no.” I got one again. So they do nothing but show a pattern of hey some 222s you want? here ya go! I don’t decide their meaning. For some music video screenshots, I paused it and then saw it was at 2:22 minutes. This has happened more than what’s on here, but I don’t feel like posting every one. There are more 222s but I’m too exhausted to do it! LOL I do not believe they promote the particular post they are associated with all the time. For example it led me to deconstruct some things instead.