so then i said…
I will dress in red
And be your friend
As I lend my life
To your strife
So we can always be
Side by Side
And eat some pie
To beat oppression Doesn't mean you oppress them No superhero mentality Or always making meaning But an understanding Where does one become inhuman? It'll never happen to you. That's it. Sometimes that's all it is.
There will always be a resistance.
Philosophical question of the day - Can pure goodness exist at the same time, rate, capacity and conviction as its opposite? We say yes due to religion. They're both here. Equally. And we must choose. Can that exist in a person - both good and evil? Is one person representative of the world though? No. But the possibilities for both are born within us. There are times we can emphasize with power highs or enjoying something we know is bad for us. That doesn't mean we are bad or that we aim to do bad. The problem with this - what IS pure goodness? What IS bad? Defining that cannot exist. Because neither exists. We are human. Frayed at every part. We see things in ourselves that we fear evil or wrongdoing put there. Our imagination stretches beyond what we can hope to conceive...because it's ANYTHING. Do we make up who we are? Do we decide the image or the intent or do they go hand in hand? For true goodness to'd had to find its opposite somewhere. In human hands? Or longing for something one doesn't have? Or are they one and the same? Answer this and you'll get a prize or something. I just set it up for you. Why does the world celebrate narcissism? Why does it test love as fate? Fame is shines on the person with the press which gives it MORE press because press begets press once someone is interested in something. Interestingly enough, it tends to be their love lives. Why do we look for love that way? Why does music offer a hypnosis of love by being all about love songs all day everyday? Any kind of high it gives us, really. And tv we spent our entire lives just watching if the love triangle would turn out how we intended it to. But what if you choose art? Not in place of love. But intended for love. To be loved and to love through. Is that true goodness? Or even more depth...that only one other pair of eyes will ever see? Then it becomes a gift. Not a gimmick. We give it for someone special to us. So what is reality tv? No one is special. We want it more until we find where intimacy truly lives. It's in us. Holding the humanity we find as it is...good, bad, sick, well, scared, free...because what is in front of us is what needs the attention. Whether it's to care for or to run. Lest we be blinded by the spotlight as if it's the sun. What's real...has it yet to begun? Is it all a pun? All that matters is you're having fun. Everyone wants it all for a reason...they don't want to feel small. But have you ever held a seashell to your ear? It's eerie and yet we collect them dearly. The same sensation exists in us. We go for the rush...even if it isn't love. Anything can disguise itself as this. Look to the moon. She's the one to redirect the sun from all of this. Her poetry reigns the world. Heartbreak and existential longings... Where is love born? From imperfection and intimacy, silly. There is no pure good or evil in us. We are not meant to fuss over that. All we can do is love. :)
All That’s’ a Gimmick That Doesn’t Give Back
Save the road I'm on
Promise to not be long
For my longing will not stop
And instead of a flowing stream
I withhold everything
Until we meet
And see the unseen In each other
And be one
Like the risen sun
I will stand by you
Be true
You're my reason the sky is blue
I know what to do
I know what to do
Reckless Abandon
How mature
You only focus on your own hurt
Am I foolish?
Am I kind?
Can I get some kind of rewind?
Or you out of my mind?
Am I a burden or a bore
Or were you in it for the glory
Of conquering someone else
Whose life you’ve never defeated or dealt
With their trials and tribulations
I forgive you; I am free
I abandon the anger
As you abandon me
To show myself
Who not to be
That’s the only gift you grant
As your character began to slant
Here I abandon my rant
And all aberrant
Ethics is a Home
I’d be homeless without ethics
How is it so?
The warmth of love
Beats the greed of snow
To make hearts cold
Beats those who reap
What they sow
And bests them at Forgiveness
For the only home
That exists
Is one we build not by brick
For the only thing that sticks
Is the strength of an outstretched hand
“I will try to understand.”
This is what loves does
It creates a whole new world
But not one we were sold
As little girls
A love that lets us mourn for more
And not mourn our potential or be scorned
So you get a choice
Love and lose yourself? Or be an empty space between the two
It’s up to you to make love mean you can be who you are
Not for validation or told you’re a star
It’s to be beaten by a real hurdle
Vulnerability is to cuddle
Not serve as a body double
Don’t doubt; Be yourself.
The sky’s not the limit
You once bet
But you can calculate the digits
Of the stars
Uplifting the world
As you depart
So if I made a wish
What will comfort you?
I cannot change the sky’s blue
Or that the world snoozes
And gets used to
The way things are
They forget the start
We came from the stars
You said no to ask why
Yet you are the dawn for my dark
I cannot lie
A pessimist once said
There’s only confusion in the mist
But if you wipe the rear view mirror
It’s like you’re always near
You take the sky with you
As I watch both disappear
I still believe you’re here
And all I hold dear
Becomes clear.
Everyone’s a quack on some level if they have not gone through the same hell.
We’re here to love
And lose
Be soothed by the blues
And paint the sky
Any color we choose
Broken people
Need no steeple
All they need is
To acknowledge
They exist
And see through establishments and systems
And not get blame for that - a hit or a miss to them
Life’s no pizza pie
Unless you’re looking at the moon in love
No one gets the same slice
We must stop prescribing, preaching and pushing a reason
To those who can barely survive.
Let THEM teach us life. (Work on this)
Sleepy loving open trusting heart
Facebook is facetious
Righteous Grief
Righteous grief
Has a stare contest with me
Who will blink?
It does not seek
A happily ever after ending
It returns to the past
To make the good parts last
That parted too quickly
An injustice of madness to cover sadness
A quicksand of duty
Focused on gain
I am to blame
I must go to the one I miss
Can you forgive all of this?
Love must reach out
Where there was an exit
You still exist
Say one word
I won’t tell anybody it
So you do - leave me a clue
There was no part; just you outsmart me where I couldn’t see
A blindspot of you and me
I will stop charging at the wall
Because you see through it all
I am who I am because I stalled
On recognition of what’s right
I must follow the footprints of your life
Minimize Grief
How do you minimize grief?
Ask it to sit next to me
10 hours later
You didn’t talk
But there is nothing you are not
It may get caught
On a snag of the thread of life
Or you miss them in a passerby
No hi; No goodbye
It’s easier that way
You were supposed to stay
Not sway
I was supposed to be your wife
Now I enjoy grief by my side
And live with my heart opened wide
As it takes the truth from the strife
That I can hold on and let go
Is the greatest surprise
Is fate cruel or can I break the rules?
Do you rule my heart…
Or may I get to restart it all?
I’m not sitting pretty as your doll.
You are null and void to me
Grief cannot be minimized
But it can forgotten
Under the floorboards
Of the heart
Or flow with the sails in the wind
You cannot rewind
So you can let go
The need to know
The unknown will taunt you for life
But you can rest in it too
Let the pain soothe you
Lest you never fail
Or be
The missing piece makes you complete
When you lose, you have nothing to lose
Last Words
I’m not in the grave
I’m not far away
I will have the last say
You belong with me and where you are equally
You don’t have to make a wish or bargain for your sins
You don’t have to come clean
You don’t have to meet me so soon
You big baboon
All you need to do
Is hold onto what I left behind
Yours and mine
A heart that’s kind
My last words - You are still my life.
A rose can grow
In places that seem lonely
In cracks of sidewalks
Or humanity
Until the first petal falls
Like it was never there at all
Red Flags Disney
Cruella is Cruel
And does not deserve a Prequel.
Beauty paid the price
Of making the beast nice
As she was just giving advice
As his vice
She became like mice
Running to hide
With minced words to save her life
There was still shadow to his light
He was always by her side
She was in a world he bought
And that she thought
She chose freely
But it was just a duty
Empathy for the enemy
Stockholm syndrome
All due to excessive reading
Leading to “true loves” meeting
To avoid a beating
Waiting to desert or deserve him
As he’d always win
And pretend they could begin again
Beauty behaves
Imperfection improvises
So the escape can be isolated
Away from trying to obtain from which you must abstain
Grief in a Box
I see your face
In a distant place
Where you ran away
But your shadow remains
I put it in a tiny box
With a forget-me-not
There is still a lot unsaid
I wrap a bow around it
And send it to the sea
Captain of the feeling
Of the tide rolling back
Impermanent with an eternal impact
I saved my side of the story
And let you have the glory
I have grief in a box
Like Pandora but darker than ?
Sunk to the ocean floor like a rock
Knowing you’d dive
To save our fight
I’ll never say you’re right
So just wait
Til you’re by my side
Or out of my sight
Happiness or contentment? They cannot be interchangeable but they can coexist or one can be in place of the other. What do you think?
We don’t always have very many choices but we can love ourselves through this.
Can all those who took the road less traveled come back and reclaim theirs as it seems a farce we could ever finish our own findings?
“I am fulfilling my potential. I am fulfilling my potential. I am fulfilling my potential...” ~Humanity, Dead-Eyed.
The world will not give you the space to suffer openly for anything you go through. Do it anyway. Life itself is an act of rebellion.
Ambition will bore you. That’s why you should do art instead.
Ethics will find you if you can’t land anywhere else. I promise it will be worth it.
Perception does not create truth. Why do I know this? Then the bigots would win. Thank God we cannot actually warp reality to our liking. Yes free will gets in the way in general but be glad of this fact…
I will say to the victim blamers and toxic positivity this - Willpower even if spiritual ain’t shit. Life is unfair. Injustice exists. It’s not your fault. You don’t have to be Superman to oppression. Change the system.
Only one who is moral can capture morality. Sorry a ton of philosophers! You’ll never know unless you act. Sometimes you have to act in love in order to feel the love. It’s not always natural. But it is spiritual.
Monostich - The cost of everything is to be a good person.
Pain is not the problem. It’s the pressure to fix it before we listen to what it has to say.
Monostich - I’ll either be your answer or your undoing.
Not everyone has the luxury or privilege of just working more to get more or even working less to find balance. Be careful what kind of encouragement you give. We are all doing our best. I’ve met populations in need that get no help. It’s not your fault if you don’t live the American Dream as prescribed. It’s a system issue as well.
Monostich - Passion beats all verdicts for a well lived life.
You may never believe in anything but there are small mercies in this life that make it hard to doubt.
Monostich - We said goodbye so many times we knew it was a hello.
Be proactive not reactive. Build on the positive.
Greatness is just overcoming oneself.
It’s cool when you pay your dues and have nothing to prove.
And when I have no hope
You show up
And when I have no shoulder to cry on
You offer your soul
And when I have no place to go
You say "Welcome home."
It’s amazing our capacity to hate but equal to that is our capacity to love.
I will carry you on my back.
Make up for what you lack.
Pick up others’ slack.
And keep your soul intact.
I’ll sum social psychology down in one post - Our gut reaction is to resist a test until the tester reassures them it’s okay. The majority still wins. For example I read a study “Only a few ppl were traumatized by this social issue.” So they concluded their bias was right. You wouldn’t be able to guess which one. Ethics vs fraudulence - are they the same?
Fame takes many souls. You have to start from the bottom to know.
Being brave means being beside oneself at all times.
Ignorance lies that everything is alright.
Social media creates Looking Glass Self itself. Instead be a prism that captures your inner light and rainbows will dance in the sky...shatter the glass ceiling. Look to yourself as someone untamed by society. Do things with feeling no matter the feedback.
Views that cause suffering in others
1. You tell them not to EVER blame anyone else for their suffering This is a version of victim blaming. It’s ALL about self-responsibility. It seems like an empowering message. But in the end it removes seeking justice or allowing yourself to feel sad about a toxic situation or person. It also denies trauma. Note: This doesn’t mean they justify anything with their suffering. They just don’t deny the suffering itself. Big difference. Don’t “oops” that one!
2. Victim blaming itself
3. Gaslighting or abuse in any form.
4. You put being personally accountability for one’s life before giving them compassion or no compassion for hardship.
5. You push solutions onto the person without consideration for what they like or don’t like or the ability to say no.
6. You think you can “fix” someone.
7. You put ability and character together i.e. they are lazy or need discipline if they can’t do something you or most people can do.
8. You compare traumas in general or your trauma vs theirs and expect the same mindset/outcome.
9. You think relying on the system in any way shape or form is a lack of character or will be abused by default.
10. You think someone works like you.
11. You tell them to smile, brighten up, listen to happier music etc.
12. You assume they need to be completely independent at all times with no help from anyone or worse because no one helped you, they shouldn’t expect help from you or anyone else
13. You expect people to understand themselves and be able to explain every aspect of their life.
14. You feel powerful when they listen to your direction.
15. You bring up a sensitive or triggering subject or assert yourself in it without regard to their boundaries.
16. You expect people to thank you or really tell everyone how much you did for them.
17. You tell them not to cry.
18. You expect them to get better. This is going to sound strange but there’s an ableism aspect to this. “Overcoming” isn’t always a glorious outcome of resilience and hard work and dedication. Life is hard and unfair. There are many broken systems in place. Their progress is important but they are also worthy as they are.
19. You are more angry at how someone reacts to an abuser than the abuser. This goes for systems as well. This is called tone policing. You cannot dictate how any person should feel or behave when they are being oppressed within the confines of law and ethics. There will always be a human reacting like a human element that you must expect.
20. You cannot outwork or outthink oppression. Don't expect a superhero mentality for resilience (no matter how much Hollywood likes to exploit those for their own reasons).
21. You tell them empty platitudes or use toxic positivity.
22. And lastly - You put yourself in a position to solve it all for any person unless you are a trained professional or you have their full ENTHUSIASTIC consent (consent should always be this way in any arena) and you put your personal feelings into the outcome as how they should react in gratitude or get better for your self-worth = codependency. You hurt both of you.
Compliance in fear is not compliance.
The mentally ill deserve human comfort within a system that neglects and torments.
poem - I am not lazy; My interests vary. I have a soul. It tells me where to go.
Monostich - The greatest tragedy is to say yes when you mean no.
Monostich - All I really need is the rain; When you get life you feel the same.
There's a difference between loving life vs living through what happens to you. The former you have dignity, your own self-work, motivation and dreams. The latter you think your circumstance defines you and try to control every little thing. You must choose.
Monostich - Can you give the best of yourself to someone’s worst if you know all they need is held?
Monostich - Love can save the world but only if you know what to do with it.
Socrates said the unexamined life is not worth living. I say the overexposed life is also not worth living. (Reality tv? Celebrity culture? Hmmm)
The private life is above all philosophy.
Monostich - Performances of piety to probe for praise leaves one in a paradox of self-pity rather than passionate gain.
Mental health post trigger not a generalization.
Some depression is actually oppression.
Monostich - I’m free of my own ambition to be free.
Monostich - I’ll create a new world for us.
Monostich - You add shine to my soul revealing goodness that is gold.
Monostich - My heart aches for your heart ache; I’d take it on if I could take it away. (My grandpa said something like this)
Monostich - It’s not desperation that drives me; it’s dignity.
Monostich - You cannot save yourself from suffering but you can buffer pain while mothering it through a cradle as it cries; Soothe it by saying don’t ask why.
Monostich - Your calling is your character.
Monostich (awareness/activism) - If it's hard to look at then it's something you need to see.
Monostich: I'm too happy being me to care what anybody thinks.
Monostich - I choose to save your life with my life.
Monostich - I feel privileged to be alive at the same time as you.
Monostich - Don't generalize or dehumanize.
Monostich: Your breakthrough is that it didn't break you.
Monostich - You don’t have it all if you orchestrate someone’s downfall.
Monostich - Someone needs you exactly as you are.
Monostich for the weary and no I don’t have an answer for this - I know God is real but how much will He let me suffer? That said there is no glory in suffering itself. Sorry Mother Teresa. You deserve to be happy.
Monostich for the one I love - If for a time I had not lived through us I would have not formed my own identity. This is my slight counter to some aspects of feminist views of love. Sometimes people can bring out your best. Sometimes we save each other. Thank you.
Monostich - Thank God I never knew my path because I got to outstretch my hand to grab onto the gold I almost passed as life had the last laugh.
Monostich - I’ll never be free unless I make less than those in need because what sustains me stains my heart that all I am is a dam holding back damage of humanity that exists with nothing.
Monostich- Something in your soul knows what to do usually because of all you’ve been through. (This is true for me.)
Falling in love with you made me fall in love with life.
Monostich - You don’t owe anyone anything.
I’m brave because I know you’ll catch me.
Monostich - The best time of your life is when you have nothing to lose or prove because the risk is the reward. I kinda mashed some phrases here.
Monostich hope it hasn’t been done before - Sometimes you must create the path ahead rather than wait for one to appear.
Monostich - The only thing I know for sure is everyday there is a little light coming through the cracks of our hearts even when we have nothing left.
Monostich - Every moment has meaning.
Monostich - You’re free in what you do if you have fun even if no clue.
Monostich - We are here to love each other.
Monostich of the day - One of the most fascinating encounters in life is someone with actual character who does nothing for gain or glory.
Monostich - You may be hanging on by a thread but it could be the one to unravel the inspiration in your head.
For a deaf friend of mine:
Silence is a spy
He grapples with his alibi
No tone high or low
But follows everywhere we go
For some it is peace
For others it is triggering
The world moves based on social cues
Small acts that seem based on nothing
But the wrong priorities
Silence ignores the scorn
Of those who will not learn
The beauty that befalls
One who still hears it all
The crowd is lonelier
The streets harder to tame
A loving connection without knowing a name
A smile and a sturdy gait
One moment of silence is all we contemplate
But endless we would sob
Those who know it roll their eyes
There are more pieces to the pie
It’s not who is wrong and who is right
Nor whether disability defines us
But rather it’s the wait
To show you what it takes
To the cross the road
With so many unknowns
It’s a dance with the stance
That I don’t need what you have
Because you’d throw it in a bag once you realized it was sad
I have the sun and moon
A world divided in two
And a world within
Full of laughter at false wins
I am the one who speaks
To those who truly listen
The rest close their ears
But being deaf is not a life lesson
There is always a question of the cure
We exist; We are not just folklore
We can strum the strings of anything
And still hear more deeply the sound
And feel the vibrations on the ground
You may not use your voice
Or use your ears to make a real choice
But I overkill this task
A social justice warrior to outlast
All those who talk about nothing
I am one who will always do something
So perhaps the heart is what we should listen to
You’d prefer to never imagine it to happen to you
Your cacophony makes you phony
I take the cadence of your character
And song of your situation
I double my conviction
Leaving you with no vision
For the only one who truly knows
When it is time to pluck the Rose
Really feels the earth under his toes
And rise up as not exactly an overcomer
But one who catches your blunder
And makes more sound than thunder.
I don’t know who you are
Or why your spirit sifts through me
I felt loved and used and all madnesses break through
How lucky it is to be you.
The vanity of the raven
Could not ignore its quickness at retrieving your spell
However the well is too deep to pull out the potion
You are the star
The ravens can’t climb that far
You get your wish
You get to be the poet’s lie
That his wife is still by his side
To be banded together by fate to a poem
Where there is such stake
To be loved for being fallen
Rather than called on
That is the light in the dark
The reason madness made us drift us apart
You see I could never be you
I’m not Lenore
I’m just a trick of the light
You are the raven’s right hand
I am the left
And you left me wondering why
You always became a shadow
To even the night
Once I was on my way to hot yoga. I thought of the poem "Invictus." When I got there the person next to my mat had it tattooed on their back. I mentioned this to them. We were both a little astounded that it had just been on my mind. Anyways - here it is:
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul.
By William Ernest Henley, Invictus
Poem: It's my moon; I claim her. She dances away oppression, disease and disaster by staying a light for all to see. I put her shine in my pocket. I give it to you. Yet you refuse. So you see no one wants the gift because they must dare to see what she sees. I have to do it for them. So she can sleep.
Poem: We weren't just star crossed lovers. We sought the stars while crossing each other. So you see even though fate was cruel it led me to the gate to be my own rule. The stars don't draw out our light; I gave up when we began to fight. So you see star crossed lovers may be doomed to fail. But beyond the veil there is one who stands. They are the dark and the light. Not one you hate or idolize. A better chance at a random romance to be serendipitous over doomed in this.
This is a poem I wrote about autism. It's not exactly my experience nor everyone else's but I think it helps.
Tick tock grandfather clock
Roll up and down socks
Marbles mesmerize for hours
Colors and sound are a whirl
Textures can be blah or heaven
Need warm water
-Bath or tea or coffee
To calm down
Flower smells
Soothe the soul
Lavender always knows
There is no end to the senses overtaking one's sense of self
It's a shock when someone enters our world
The depth of feeling is like the ocean
We dream of being mermaids
And create safety in our minds
In a world that scares and strains us
We hear tick tock in the rain pitter patters
Patterns and codes are all that matters
As rabbit holes lead to existential crisis
That we have to solve humanity
Before our own humanity finds us
Without ability to attach or react
To a world that doesn't seem to care
About everything we study and stare at
It can be countless hours
Or a manic moment
Or a mysterious wave of certainty
That there is spirituality in the brain
And it knows no tick tock is the same
Even if everyone else experiences it that way
Things about poetry:
Poets know there is not poetry. Only feeling.
And yet...
The poem is not words or thoughts or feelings. Or really anything. They capture one's humanity in that moment and it passes. It doesn't come from the poet. It comes from their longing to relive that moment for the rest of their life because they didn't appreciate it the first time. But they got the words out. It's the sacrifice they never tell. Just like the wildlife photographers forget just to be pleased with his eyes. It's the same as we try to capture life.
Random poem by me, you can guess the commentary:
Aren’t I made to love?
There’s no easy way out
What you use for your own reasons
Leaves room to doubt
And treason
But there comes a day
When the snowflake touches the tip of your nose
You suddenly know
What it is to feel it all
And question why you let love stall
Or denied it room to reach
You can tune it out
But humanity needs it now
It’s not something you can give
It’s something that you are
So you sit still in the forest
Hold firm to the ferns
And you remember what could have been
If you had loved and let it be enough.
Continuation of dumb poems.
Why can't I stop sinning
Why can't I start winning
Stop your whining
Why can't I stop whining
It's always the wrong timing
When I was a kid on the bus I had this revelation “I have beautiful thoughts.” I became very shy because I felt like a freak should I share every deep or poetic thought. Then I made a life from it! Lesson - Please don’t ignore the shy kids. They may be adults as kids and don’t know where to fit in.
Part truth, part monostich poetic statement: Don’t worry about any offense against me because my forgiveness is free. It is done. I’m a simple person.
I’m pretty.
That’s a message for my haters lol. I’m a poet but yes im aware sometimes people only listen to a female due to looks. I try to capture love in my eyes. So yes Im pretty. Powerful Righteous Empathic Transparent True Y? Because I gotta!
Monostich - You can take me to the brink and I'd still come back for you.
I don't know how to tell you this but abusers know how to do it in a way that they cannot be caught easily through the following methods 1. Context. 2. Age so memory may be poor or you block or don't know til older i.e. too late 3. Patternless caregiving (some uplifting moments, some destructive ones) 4. It seems like love when it's just possession or love bombing. 5. It can be indirect 6. It can be written off in the following way - "joke" "didn't mean it" "can grow from it" or "boys will be boys" (the same can be same with girls - let's not do double standards.) The victim wakes up. They count it on so they can twist the situation into a forgiveness plea. Wake up. Kids cannot report things because it's indirect.
The hardest thing about being an activist is when you realize that MLK logic of love doesn't work in all contexts.
The world will let you do anything but say you suffer it.
You may think things like - I put out light but there’s still so much dark in the world. That despair has driven us but we can evolve. That thought creates all philosophies and religions. I’ll leave it at that.
Maybe we have to let go letting go...It’s okay to attach, need, yearn, want, desire. We protest being human by turning our backs.
Maybe we need to evolve into apes. Then we’d be human.
I really liked Caesar.
Love teaches you everything you are and still gives you your own identity.
Some aspects of feminism tried to undo me as a person by shaming motherhood altogether as a solitary want or want at all and esp love or anyone saving each other in the right context. I’m not a mother. But I’m maternal. It makes me strong and brave. If I’m standing for someone else no one in hell will get through me. I also am my own hero. Somethings going too far over the line.
One of the most courageous things you can do is let go Want. Agenda. Intentions. Not as detachment. As not wanting something through your actions but to do the right thing. Otherwise it’s like your brain starts taunting you with the wrong things for self-worth. I’m not saying it’s one or the other but it does help quell any illusions to realize the base of what you want. Just act. Just be a person. Character will drive the rest.
Never turn your eyes because you love someone. Never turn your back if you love someone. Never say never to love ending in any context unless it is right. Never go on without self-love. Never take sides in matters of the heart if it is not your life. And never say goodbye unless you mean it.
You can hurt me but you cannot hurt my soul. No one has ever been able to get inside to find the heart that they try to lie to.
Philosophical spiritual or not spiritual - thought. Why do we have things that accommodate the set up of our lives, structure or body rather than it be already perfect? For example. Why do we have nails? Instead, why couldn't we just never get itchy. (Yes I know we need them for life itself but stay with me here). Why would God OR evolution let it be that way? If designed - it's an imperfect design. We breathe and eat with throat. We choke; we can't breathe. Why? The sun is perfectly positioned. But now the sun is hurting the earth. There's also something I've noticed in MY life. I've never fully had a rock bottom. Even when I've messed up or life has been horrible. I landed on something. Sometimes there are miracles; small mercies; serendipity; OR just random flukes and luck. I was laying in bed with a headache, turned over and hit my head on the wall. Wtf? Why aren't things like that prevented? It seems so stupid. My dog Lady struggled with so much. I answered everything in the moment. Solutions came later. We figured out the meds to fix her for the most part. We cannot make sense of this right now. But I do see an insight with this - We are imperfect. Life or whatever you want to believe in accommodates that. Why not just perfect? Would we love? Would we have free will? What if we knew all there is to know? Would we evolve correctly then? If cavemen knew that fire would one day lead to electricity - they may give up actually. They would feel too behind. K.
Do all our good deeds go anywhere? You may not always be able to save everyone but you can stop them. At least from hurting you. Don't give up on humanity yet.
Philosophical question of the day - Can pure goodness exist at the same time, rate, capacity and conviction as its opposite? We say yes due to religion. They're both here. Equally. And we must choose. Can that exist in a person - both good and evil? Is one person representative of the world though? No. But the possibilities for both are born within us. There are times we can emphasize with power highs or enjoying something we know is bad for us. That doesn't mean we are bad or that we aim to do bad. The problem with this - what IS pure goodness? What IS bad? Defining that cannot exist. Because neither exists. We are human. Frayed at every part. We see things in ourselves that we fear evil or wrongdoing put there. Our imagination stretches beyond what we can hope to conceive...because it's ANYTHING. Do we make up who we are? Do we decide the image or the intent or do they go hand in hand? For true goodness to'd had to find its opposite somewhere. In human hands? Or longing for something one doesn't have? Or are they one and the same? Answer this and you'll get a prize or something. I just set it up for you. Why does the world celebrate narcissism? Why does it test love as fate? Fame is shines on the person with the press which gives it MORE press because press begets press once someone is interested in something. Interestingly enough, it tends to be their love lives. Why do we look for love that way? Why does music offer a hypnosis of love by being all about love songs all day everyday? Any kind of high it gives us, really. And tv we spent our entire lives just watching if the love triangle would turn out how we intended it to. But what if you choose art? Not in place of love. But intended for love. To be loved and to love through. Is that true goodness? Or even more depth...that only one other pair of eyes will ever see? Then it becomes a gift. Not a gimmick. We give it for someone special to us. So what is reality tv? No one is special. We want it more until we find where intimacy truly lives. It's in us. Holding the humanity we find as it is...good, bad, sick, well, scared, free...because what is in front of us is what needs the attention. Whether it's to care for or to run. Lest we be blinded by the spotlight as if it's the sun. What's real...has it yet to begun? Is it all a pun? All that matters is you're having fun. Everyone wants it all for a reason...they don't want to feel small. But have you ever held a seashell to your ear? It's eerie and yet we collect them dearly. The same sensation exists in us. We go for the rush...even if it isn't love. Anything can disguise itself as this. Look to the moon. She's the one to redirect the sun from all of this. Her poetry reigns the world. Heartbreak and existential longings... Where is love born? From imperfection and intimacy, silly. There is no pure good or evil in us. We are not meant to fuss over that. All we can do is love.
It is a privilege to prosper and power through problems; Those in poverty or pain know that there is not always a payday.
Love will kick down any door you put in front of it
Humanity exists to do good
No matter much the mark it has missed
The world is committing invisible atrocities. Oppression is unseen because it is unsaid. Those within it have no means to shine a spotlight on it. Abuse is never so straightforward. It’s looking away.
what responsibility does one have to be a rolemodel
hold onto innocent tidings
be kind through life's ridings
nowhere to go and nothing to be
except to compete with all that is seen
they expect you to be this now
and always
a childlike faith without any haunting
a realization that the world is unfair
and that you cannot maintain a stranger's stare
because you remember life as kind to stare back
but it dropped your hand as you crossed the road
so you lived your life to build your own
not chained in any expectation
or a single side of yourself known
to be whole and human
takes letting it also be unknown
what are the answers
if we don't have the questions
if no one gives it to us
but says to reach for the stars
reach for the stars
reach for the stars
when this moment provides the real art
i didn't have to hold your hand as no one held mine
i did it over and over again with everyone i met in life
some withheld love and gave only a slight nod
Others jumped to each warmth they could find
they forgot the stranger's eyes
is in the fairlight
the mirror remembers all
even who you resemble
was it the first you to come to earth
or do we pass through for multiple lessons
what does God give if we only experience pain?
"Grace" you said.
You dared give it a name.
And so I said the same.
Again and again.
But I will tell you this -
The only time belief came for me
was when I no longer dared it to
When I preferred to be judged and passed over
Faith made me not roll over
I guess that's the only thing it gives
when there's nothing left...
there's still one reason to live.
Monostich - I’m mourning for something true.
i always thought charles darwin looked like an ape. it's the forehead. i think.
I don't think people can come back from "having the world."
I give small mercies. There are people I don’t need to confront in the moment. I detach from that need. An abuser in my life used their cancer to guilt me. That happens a lot when you get older they flip the switch to self-pity Forgiveness plea. Kids need access to better justice. I internalized it all and forgave them on their deathbed. Now I see the truth and really do not forgive them anymore. I’ve made peace with it in the way that I’m proud I gave small mercy and even comfort and didn’t add my condemn or make their last days harder for them. In that way it made my Forgiveness real again. I don’t need them or even for them to be good. I see them as evil still. I just grew to the point where I need nothing from the situation.
Being a mother means you save a life. That said should it happen to me or in general I will put them before me. That’s a soul reasoning. I hope that waking up happens to people on this issue. We have AI. We have science. It’s an industry keeping itself in many medical practices.
Altruism and doing good is one thing.
Would you take someone’s place?
Oppression can be silent; subtle; steal moments of your life; stretch the truth; stop righteous reaction with self-doubt; and stay existing so long as we don't see it. It has a clever disguise. As "nothing is happening. It's all in your head." Wake up; the world is just doing now the unsaid.
The Law of Attraction is disproven by lawless atrocities in the world.
I am not making this up. I was once told to stare at a pen for a while to learn to be mindful. All I did in my head was try to invent a way they weren't lost so easily. I cannot focus like that. It punishes neurodivergence. Sometimes you cannot stop. Sometimes your survival mode sacrifices balance. Sometimes you have to say...Okay pen of life. I cannot keep everything permanently in place. I'll find one that erases and gives me some space to be human without trying to contemplate how or why or what to do. Then it will come to you.
Bask in the glory of a moment or thought not published anywhere then you have found real art.
Vegan campaign - Maybe we should just go back to worshiping cats etc. It may get the message across better.
Love is both a verb and a noun. You may love. Once you know its become Love. It chisels out all other parts of you.
Sometimes on the other side of more fear. But you level up when you walk through the threshold of keeping your humanity intact despite all you may lack.
Observing those in the system - It will give you everything but the ability to free yourself from it.
Use “equity” not “equality.” You’ll thank me later.
Hate has no reason.
It’s okay to say I don’t know.
I don’t know who needs to hear this but you know.